Inspiration Wednesday

Images: Trees by Master of I-nen Seal, Embroidery by Sue Rangeley, Plates by House of Holland, Ceiling Mural by Jacopo Zucchi, Paintings by Ustad Mansur, Yann Lacroix and Jennifer Packer

Here’s a little sneak peek into my inspiration process.

I tend to collate masses of images from Instagram, Pinterest, blogs, and museum archives and I start to see patterns in the things I like. For example, this mood board has really inspired me to create my own greenery-inspired wallpaper print.

I love the hints of zesty golds and olive-fern tones within this, but the way how green can be so rich with all its variations. You know as humans, green is the colour we have the widest colour spectrum of seeing? I think this is amazing!

It’s calming, reinvigorating, and lush. I hope my wallpaper design achieves this same feeling…I’ll be showing more soon! Love Steph x

Stephanie Le Cocq

British Textile Designer & Illustrator

Milton House Wallpaper Redesign


A/W 22 Fashion Print Runway Favs