Some helpful tips for wallpaper…

I have a couple of common questions about our wallpaper and I thought I would summarise the answers for you below to help you achieve the best results when hanging and maintaining your wallpaper.

  1. The wallpaper is paste-the-wall, does this require a specific wallpaper paste?

  • Firstly, the decorator should paste the wall and not the back of the wall covering, this makes hanging a lot easier and as our wallpaper is peelable, you can move and adjust the paper when needed to align and hang the paper directly on the wall.

    A good quality, solvent-free, cellulose-based, fungicide-protected ready-mixed ‘tub’ adhesive should be used specifically for paste-the-wall non-woven papers, we can recommend 'Solvite Paste the Wall Mix' or 'Beeline Wallpaper Adhesive' or similar.

  • Paste should be evenly applied to the wall to hang one length at a time, to an area slightly wider than the width of the paper.

  • Butt joints and use a decorator’s brush to smooth down the wall covering, working from the centre to the edges to express air bubbles.

  • Avoid squeezing paste out of the joints and ensure the paste does not get onto the brush or roller.

  • No paste should be allowed to come into contact with the surface and hands should be kept clean and dry whilst hanging the wall covering.

  • The paste will damage the surface. The company cannot accept responsibility for marks or damage caused by paste.

  • Should any paste have been allowed to come into contact with the surface, it should be lightly sponged whilst still moist, using a clean damp sponge.

2. What does ‘spongeable’ mean?

Our range of luxury non-woven wallcoverings are manufactured so the fibres are randomly orientated and bonded together by a chemical or other means. These fibres are a blend of manmade and natural cellulose and are FSC-approved. Due to this technology, it means the substrate is of higher strength than regular wallpaper, has better tear resistance particularly when wet, and is easier to cut.

Our substrates are 'spongeable' meaning they can be lightly cleaned with a damp sponge; try to wipe from side to side, from top to bottom.

We’ve done testing in-house out of curiosity, stuck raspberry jam onto a wallpaper sample and wiped the wallpaper with a slightly damp sponge from side to side and it has removed the jam without leaving a stain or damaging the paper. However, we can tell with more permanent stains like pen/crayon marks it may be more difficult to remove such stains.

3. Can you wallpaper a bathroom?

The short answer is yes!

We advise that wallpaper shouldn't be exposed to direct moisture and splashing. This can cause the glue to peel off under the paper and damage the paper over some time. The paper is spongeable and can work in rooms with good ventilation. So we’d recommend avoiding splashbacks and areas near the shower/bath (have a tiled area to separate the area for example). 

If you want to protect the paper for longevity and moisture, we suggest treating the paper with a decorator's matte varnish like Polyvine. We advise doing a patch test first but it should dry matte and not discolour the paper in any way. 

Stephanie Le Cocq

British Textile Designer & Illustrator

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